Atlas Coffee Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend


Bryan Huynh

on March 02, 2025

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The Mantiqueria de Minas Blend is a dark roast with hints of chocolate and caramel. It is made with 100% Arabica beans grown in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil. The beans are obtained from only the best coffee farms in the region, which means you can have a rich, flavorful cup of coffee any time of the day. The beans are roasted to perfection to yield a smooth, light-bodied coffee with a medium acidity level.

We're proud that our blend has been named one of the most popular Brazilian coffees on! We want you to enjoy our delicious specialty coffee at home or work and know that it's delivering all the flavor you love without any additives or preservatives.

All orders come with one 12-ounce bag of this dark roast, organic blend of Brazilian specialty beans that's perfect for any time of day! Check out our Coffee Club page to compare and read reviews of our favorite coffee clubs!

Coffee Background

Brazil is the world's largest arabica coffee producer. Brazilian coffee is nutty, sweet, and low in acidity, with delightful bittersweet and chocolate roast flavors. Brazil coffees are often used in espresso, both in high-end mixes and commercial coffees. This blend is sourced from the quantities of coffee streaming out of Minas Gerais (the largest of Brazil's three major growing areas) and is grown on a single estate in the protected origin of Mantiqueira de Minas, which is recognized for its undulating hills and rough terrain. Coffee beans are floated during harvest to remove less dense and damaged coffee, then depulped and dried on patios with the mucilage still attached. After five days, the coffee is transferred to mechanical driers to be precisely dried to 11% moisture and then properly stored until grinding and shipping.

About Mantiqueria de Minas Blend

Cupping Profile:

  • Roast: Light/medium
  • Body: Full
  • Brightness: Balanced
  • Flavor notes: Toasted marshmallow, pecans, toffee, caramel, mandarin orange, sugarcane

Origin Information

  • Grower: Coffee producers (family-owned farms) from the Mantiqueira Region
  • Altitude: 1150 masl
  • Soil: Clay minerals
  • Region: Mantiqueira Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Process: Pulped natural and dried in the sun
  • Harvest: May - September
  • Certification: Conventional

Cupping Scores

Published by the Specialty Coffee Association of America, the average cupping score was 83.25/100 for this blend.

The Cupping Form allows you to note the following coffee flavor qualities: Fragrance/Aroma, Flavor, Aftertaste, Acidity, Body, Balance, Uniformity, Clean Cup, Sweetness, Defects, and Overall. These are evaluated on a 16-point scale indicating quality levels in quarter-point increments ranging from 6 to 9. To score your coffee, go through each specific flavor attribute and mark the points based on your own personal appraisal. 

Quality Scale

  • Good: 6-6:75
  • Very good: 7 - 7.75
  • Excellent: 8 - 8.75
  • Outstanding: 9 - 9.75

The Final Score is calculated by adding the individual scores for each of the key criteria in the "Total Score" box. Defects are then subtracted from the “Total Score” to arrive at a “Final Score.” The Scoring Key below has shown to be an effective technique to represent the range of coffee quality for the Final Score.

Total Score Quality Classification

  • Outstanding: 90-100
  • Excellent: 85-89.99
  • Very Good: 80-84.99
  • Good: <80

(Outstanding, excellent, and very good are considered Specialty coffee, while anything below that is not.)


The pulped natural processing brings out a stronger smooth chocolatey quality while minimizing some of the classic Brazilian nuttiness. Coming from family farms in the Mantiqueira de Minas area of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Because of the region's well-known coffee reputation and ideal growing circumstances, the Mantiqueira de Minas region has a protected designation of origin (PDO).

The region consists of 25 communities and about 9,000 producers, with roughly 90 percent classified as small farmers. To get their coffee to the worldwide market, these small growers are grouped via cooperatives that operate in the region. In Brazil, lots frequently originate from larger farms that employ highly mechanical processing procedures to manage larger volumes, therefore this collective of tiny growers stands out.

Tasting Notes: This Brazilian coffee is smooth, clean, full-bodied, and has a moderate acidity. Lighter roasts have just a trace of acidity, a bit flowery upfront, but balanced with a more full body and dry deep chocolate like tones that are significantly less nutty than most. Sure, there's a trace of nuts in the aftertaste, but it's mostly neutral with a sweet touch. This coffee thrived in medium roasts, with practically little acidity, a creamy body, and rather straightforward and neutral, sweet edged notes. Darker roasts give strength and highlight the drier chocolatey tones, while also introducing some roasty smoky tones that many will enjoy.

Roasting Notes: Because these beans are pulped natural processed, they have a greater chaff content but should not cause an issue for any roaster. The lot will hold up light to dark, but the majority will be in the medium to dark roast bracket. At very light roasts, it might come across as a bit grassy and acidic.

Why Mantiqueria de Minas Blend is Different?

Our blend is unique in that it has the highest levels of antioxidants, which means it fights off the effects of aging. It also has a high amount of chlorogenic acid, which helps break down fat cells. It’s also cold processed and is made from 100% arabica beans – no other coffee in the world has more than 40% arabica beans.

What you get: a less acidic coffee rich in antioxidants. Plus, it's made with only the best quality beans to ensure that you're getting nothing but a smooth and rich cup of coffee every day!

How Does This Blend Change as You Roast it?

The Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend starts as a medium roast and finishes with a light roast. This means that the coffee is roasted in two stages, making for an interesting flavor profile. The roasting process creates a smoky aroma and an earthy taste that leaves an aftertaste of chocolate.

This coffee is roasted by hand, allowing for a great deal of nuance within each batch of beans. Some batches will have a richer taste than others, depending on how they are prepared during processing. This coffee shows what can happen when you pay attention to your product during the whole process, even down to brewing it!

The Roasting Process of This Coffee

The Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend is a medium roast coffee, and the roasting process takes approximately six to seven hours. This coffee is not roasted in one go; it begins as a medium roast and finishes with a light roast. The beans start as green and then turn red and yellow as they are roasted. The roasting process is done entirely by hand, which means there is total control over every step of the roasting process.This blend is rich in flavor with an earthy taste that leaves an aftertaste of chocolate. It has a smoky aroma that leads to a flavorful brew. Overall, this coffee is delicious and can be enjoyed by even those who don't like coffee!

What Are The Pros of This Coffee?

The Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend has a rich smoky aroma, leading to an earthy taste that leaves an aftertaste of chocolate. It's one of the rare blends that isn't roasted in one go. It's also made from 100% Brazilian Arabica beans, and the processing is done entirely by hand.

1. Rich smoky aroma, leading to the earthy taste

2. One of the rare blends that aren't roasted in one go

3. 100% Brazilian Arabica beans.

Why Choose Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend?

The Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend is a dark roast coffee with chocolate, almonds, and cinnamon notes. It has been named the world's best coffee because of its unique flavor profile. The company decided to produce this coffee blend to preserve their rich Brazilian culture.

Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend is produced in one hour and six minutes in only four countries worldwide; all four have more than ten years of experience on their side.

Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend is roasted at a medium-dark roast level to maintain its natural flavors from the raw bean. This ensures that it doesn't get too bitter or sweet but offers a balanced taste.

You could produce your coffee blend at home with enough practice and patience!


The Brazil Mantiqueria de Minas Blend is a coffee product created in Brazil in the 1940s. The coffee is named for the Brazilian city of Mantiqueria, where it has been produced for decades. The blend results from selecting the best beans produced in Brazil, roasting them in-house, and blending them with other coffee beans worldwide.

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About the Author

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.