Coffee Clubs Comparison: Atlas Vs. Mistobox


Bryan Huynh

on March 02, 2025

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Key Takeaways

  • Coffee Club Popularity
  • Atlas Coffee Club and Mistobox Information
  • Club Plans and Pricing
  • Quality of Coffee
  • Variety of Coffee
  • Commitment to Community & Environment
  • Ease of Using the Site
  • Services Provided
  • Decision Factors

Americans, it seems, love coffee, particularly first thing in the morning. In fact, 9 out of 10 coffee drinkers use a cup of Joe to start the day, says the Cleveland Clinic. But that’s not the only time people drink cover. Many coffee connoisseurs like you, enjoy it throughout the day. That’s one reason Coffee Club subscriptions are so popular.

Not only are they an excellent way to sample a variety of coffees without needing to scour online shops or specialty stores to find them. They are also a thoughtful gift for coffee lovers who enjoy a variety of coffees.

Atlas Coffee Club and Mistobox Coffee Club are two coffee club subscription options you may wish to explore. Although they both provide a range of coffee flavors from around the world, there are some differences between the two coffee clubs that you should keep in mind.

Which is better is a matter of personal preferences and what you are looking for in a Coffee Club Subscription, as both are highly recommended for different reasons.

Club Plans and Price

Atlas Coffee Club

Atlas Coffee Club offers three subscription plans: Half Bag (6 oz or 15 cups), Single Bag (12 oz or 30 cups), and a Double Bag (24 oz or 60 cups). You can also choose a delivery every two weeks or every four weeks.

While the initial cost is half price, further deliveries are: Half Bag - $9, Single Bag $14, and Double Bag $28. Shipping is $4.95 per bag and is charged on the initial payment when making a gift subscription. Regular Coffee Club subscriptions are charged the price of the coffee plus the shipping charge via recurring charges on your card.

In addition, Atlas offers a tea club that includes a wide assortment of tea from around the world. With this plan, you get two bags of tea (30 cups) every four weeks with a price tag of $14. Scheduled shipments for the tea club are the same as for the coffee club.

Atlas also offers a Decaf Coffee Club subscription following the same format and pricing as the regular coffee subscription.

The coffee gift club subscription has a flat rate of $50 for three months, $99 for six months, and $189 for twelve months, payable in full when the gift is ordered.

Atlas’s pricing is clear and consistent and displayed in easy-to-understand text.

Mistobox Coffee Club

Mistobox offers a two-tier coffee club. With the Deluxe tier, a 12-oz bag of coffee costs $12.71, while the coffee from the Exclusive tier costs $15.26 per 12-oz bag.

According to their site, the Deluxe tier includes a variety of medium and dark roasts from large lots that retail for $15 to $18, while the Exclusive tier features light roast coffees from small lots of single-origin beans that retail for $18 and above. The higher retail value of these coffees accounts for the difference in price between the Deluxe and Exclusive tiers.

Mistobox also offers gift plans of 3 shipments ($60), six shipments ($120), or 12 shipments ($240) with free shipping.

It also provides the option to purchase anywhere from 2 to 24 boxes (bags?) for the flat rate of $20 each.

Keep in mind the prices at Mistobox vary depending on the tier chosen and the amount and frequency of the shipments when you subscribe to a Coffee Club Subscription, but prices are a flat rate in a Gift Club.

Mistobox Subscription Club price varies depending on whether you pay for one bag ($14.95), take advantage of the six coffee plan ($13.46 per bag), or the 12 coffee plan ($12.71 per bag).

Shipping costs are $5.00 per shipment.

Overall, Mistobox prices are comparable to Atlas's but can be confusing due to price variations between plans.


Both Atlas and Mistobox sell high-quality, freshly roasted coffee that arrives at your door ready to brew just when you need it.

Atlas' coffee is made from hand-picked beans with a single source of origin. Mistobox provides quality coffee that is either single-source or blended from several sources.


  • Forbes, Travel+ Leisure, and @kitchen have all endorsed the Atlas Coffee Club.
  • Forbes declared it the Best Coffee Club Subscription for Variety (2023).
  • Wired called it the Best Single-Origin Specialist, and
  • Food and Wine says it is the Best International Coffee Subscription.


Mistobox was ranked as Great for Gifting by Wired and the Best Coffee Subscription for Learning About Beans by the Strategist.


Both Atlas and Mistobox coffee clubs boast a wide selection of fine coffee from around the world. These include single-origin coffees as well as many blends and roasts. Here’s how they match up.


• Specialty-grade single-origin beans from remote areas of the world are used to make this coffee.

• Atlas prides itself in using handpicked coffee beans in all its coffee.

• Each coffee selection comes in either ground or whole beans to meet your needs.

• You can select the grind of the coffee to match your brewing machine and method.

• You get to choose the number of bags in each shipment from ½ bag (6 oz) to four bags (48 oz.)

• A coffee subscription with coffee pods compatible with most standard K-Cup machines is also available. The options included with a coffee pod plan are 24 K-cups from one country, 48 K-cups to enjoy coffee from two different countries, or 72 K-cups of coffee from three countries.

• Your first shipment is 1/2 off.

• Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you aren’t satisfied with the coffee you get, Atlas will give you the next coffee free.

• Atlas also has a plan for decaffeinated coffee.

• The tea club subscription has both traditional and herbal tea.

• There is a Cold Brew Coffee subscription for those who enjoy cold coffee drinks.


• There are over 600 coffees from around the world available to choose from.

• These coffees come from over 60 different roasters worldwide.

• Coffee is available as both whole bean and ground, but there are exceptions. Some coffees are in whole bean only.

• Both regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee are available in the coffee club and gift club plans.

• Coffee flavors range from mild and light to rich and dark.

• The coffee choices available to you depend on the tier you have subscribed to.

• Not all coffee bags are the same size. Most bags of coffee are 12 oz, but some are only 10 oz.

• Customers can browse the coffee available to them according to their plan and add them to their brewing queue.

• Many of the coffees at Mistobox can be purchased at coffee stores or online from other retail outlets, often at a savings of a few dollars.

Commitment to Community & Environment


Atlas supports both Fair Trade and Sustainability. It only works with growers that pay their workers above ‘fair trade’ wages. All Atlas coffee beans are handpicked.


Mistobox is committed to seeking out and establishing positive working relationships with coffee roasters from all minority groups. The following statement comes from their FAQ page concerning their support of BIPOV. “We continue to seek out the best coffee and look forward to bringing you more options from Black, POC, LGBTQ+, and Indigenous roasters.”

Ease of Using the Site

Atlas Coffee

This site looks professional and is easy to navigate. The coffee club plans are clear and easy to understand. Choosing options for the coffee club plans is quick and easy. Atlas also has brewing guides to help you make best cup of coffee based on the type of brewer you have. It also has a blog filled with coffee-related posts that any coffee lover would find intriguing. It includes recipes and a special travel section.


This site is professional and clean, but it can be confusing and hard to navigate. The plans and their costs can be confusing, as each plan has its own price and it isn’t always clear how they differ. It has a blog with coffee-related stories and a lot of information about coffee and how it is grown and picked. Overall, the site looks good but it is sometimes difficult to find the information you are looking for.

Services Provided

Both Atlas and Mistobox provide coffee club plans that can be tailored to your needs, but there are some differences.

Atlas Coffee

  • Can choose between a delivery every two weeks or every four weeks.
  • Gift Plans can be purchased for 3, 6, or 12 months and have a set price for the plan.
  • Can choose either ground or whole-bean coffee.
  • Provides single-origin coffee from around the world.
  • Packaging features a design indigenous to the originating country or region.
  • Tasting notes and the history of the specific coffee comes with each shipment.
  • A postcard from the country of origin depicting identifying features of the location accompanies each shipment.
  • Also offers a tea subscription featuring a variety of traditional and herbal teas.
  • Has a consistent and convenient set pricing per bag.
  • Offers 50% off on the first order.
  • Has a coffee match guarantee — if you don’t like the coffee, the next one is free


  • Offers a gift subscription for 3, 6, or 12 months.
  • Offers Coffee Club plans in two tiers with different pricing.
  • Pricing varies depending on the tier and the duration (3, 6, or 12 months) of the plan. While it allows you to save money by choosing a longer plan, the pricing can be confusing.
  • Can choose between whole or ground beans for most coffees, but some are only available in whole beans.
  • Can choose between single-origin or blends.
  • Can choose delivery weekly or choose a 2, 3, and 4 week option.
  • Can buy per bag or batches of 6 or 12 bags, unless you visit the gift option where you can purchase from two to 24 bags at a set rate of $20 each.
  • Does not offer a set price for all coffees.

Giving the gift of a coffee club subscription to a loved one is a great way to let them know they are on your mind all year. But coffee subscriptions are only for giving to others. Rewarding yourself with great coffee throughout the year will surely become the year's highpoint.

But before you decide whether Atlas or Mistobox is best for you, take a comment to consider what is important to you, as each offers some benefits the other does not.

If you enjoy trying premium coffee from around the world and enjoy the surprise of receiving a new coffee chosen for you based on your preferences, an Atlas Coffee Club subscription may be right for you. However, if you prefer a bit more control and would rather browse your options and build your own brewing queue, Mistobox might be the best choice for you.

If you prefer an easy-to-navigate site with a flat rate and consistent pricing, Atlas should be a clear choice. However, if you don’t mind working your way through several plans and tiers to find one that is right for you, Mistobox has a lot to offer you.

Frequently asked questions

Do you need to pay the whole year’s subscription upfront when ordering a Coffee Club Subscription?

Typically, you pay for the year’s subscription when you subscribe to a Coffee Club, but Atlas allows you to subscribe by making the initial payment (plus tax for the year) and authorizing recurring monthly payments on your card. A gift subscription is paid in full when you sign up.

How will I know if the coffee is delivered?

Mistobox sends you a notice when the coffee is delivered when you send the subscription as a gift to someone else, so you will always know when it arrives. Atlas does not note whether you are notified. If you have questions about git deliveries, contact the Coffee Club you have ordered through.

Do Coffee Club Subscriptions Automatically Renew?

Whether the Coffee Club Subscription automatically renews depends on the coffee club. Check the fine prink carefully when you purchase to ensure you do not agree to auto renew the subscription when the current one is completed.

What if the person I sent the gift to doesn’t like the coffee selection?

There’s no need to worry that the recipient of your coffee subscription gift doesn’t like your choices. Both Atlas and Mistobox have that covered. The recipient can log on and make changes to ensure they get the type of coffee they prefer.

Can I cancel a coffee club subscription

Yes. You can typically cancel a coffee club subscription because it is paid monthly with a recurring fee charged to your card. To cancel the subscription, sign into the site and cancel the subscription. However, Gift Club Subscriptions are typically paid in full when you purchase them. A gift club subscription cannot be canceled.

About the Author

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.