Best Coffee Clubs for Latin American Coffee


Bryan Huynh

on March 02, 2025

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Key Takeaways

  • Choosing to join a coffee club is a great option for coffee lovers as they can try coffee from around the world and not otherwise available to them.
  • Many coffee clubs let the member stop and start delivery frequency based on their schedules.
  • The ability to change quantity of coffee ensures that even the biggest coffee drinker has high-quality from around the world available to them at all times.

What is a Coffee Club?

Whether you are just learning about coffee or a coffee connoisseur, belonging to a coffee subscription service or coffee club can be a wonderful way to learn about coffee from all regions of the world and discover the blends you enjoy the most.

According to New York Magazine, having good quality ingredients is more important than having expensive, fancy equipment. You can’t get a good cup of coffee. You need to start with good beans, and that is what you get when you join a coffee subscription club. The publication went on to state that nearly every coffee club the author tested provided a better cup of coffee than is available in a supermarket.

A coffee club can be both enjoyable and educational, as some of the best clubs source their coffee from faraway places that most people don’t have the opportunity to travel to.

One of the most popular growing regions is found in Latin America. According to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin America, in the 1970s, national organizations began looking for increased productivity and began taking better care of the soil to increase soil fertility, reduce erosion, and eradicate pests. The use of fertilizers and pesticides increased productivity and coffee pioneers from Brazil, Peru, and other Latin American countries are now making a statement in the industry.

We are going to explore the impact that Latin American countries are now making in the coffee trade and what types of coffee you should be trying from this area of the world.

Benefits of Coffee Clubs:

There are numerous advantages to joining a coffee-subscription club. One of the most impactful is having fresh coffee from around the world, show up at your door. One of the best things is having the opportunity to savor a cup of coffee that you wouldn’t otherwise have access to. Also, to learn about the area the coffee is sourced from, how it is grown, harvested, and roasted, and the road it takes to get in your cup.

Coffee Club Deliveries:

One of the highlights of joining a coffee club is knowing that you will have freshly roasted coffee sent directly to your home or office. Many clubs offer features like getting access to the coffee at regular intervals that you choose. Big coffee drinkers may opt for weekly deliveries, while others find monthly deliveries work just fine. In some cases, you can start and stop your coffee deliveries when out of town. This makes for a very convenient way of getting some of the best coffee manufacturers that you would not have access to. 

Latin American Coffee Gaining in Popularity and Productivity:

Coffee sourced from Latin American growing regions has been increasing in popularity, especially since they have found ways to enhance the soil and reduce pests. Statista states that in 2020 and 2021 coffee consumption increased in Latin American countries compared to the previous year. Not surprisingly, Brazil is the largest consumer of coffee, and Mexico trails behind.

While coffee consumption has increased, so has coffee production in key coffee-producing regions.Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the entire world. In 2023, Brazil produced more than 54 million bags of 60 kg of coffee. This was an increase of nearly 51 million bags from just a year earlier. Interestingly, the overall area of coffee cultivation has decreased, because of new fertilization techniques, and the yield has increased.Brazil cultivates one of the most popular varieties of coffee, Arabica. The income generated by this type of coffee alone has nearly reached 48 billion in 2022. Robusto is also another type of coffee that this region is known for.

Some of the best coffee clubs not only educate consumers on the type of coffee they are drinking but also information on how the product is sourced and often include information about the geographical environment as well as local sustainable efforts and fair trade. 

What to Consider When Choosing a Latin American Coffee Club?

There are many considerations when choosing a Latin American coffee club. We are going to delve into some things to consider before you join a Latin American Coffee Club.

How to Choose the Best Latin American Coffee Subscription?

Just like most things, the more educated you are, the better decision you can make. That is why we are going to dig deep, to find out the nuances of Latin American coffee, some of the best producers, and roasters, and how to choose the right Latin American Coffee subscription for you.

Tips for choosing the right coffee club:

Here are some things to think about before you decide on a coffee club. This is from CNET:

  • What type of coffee subscription is it?
  • What is your preference, whole beans, or ground?
  • Cost of the club?
  • Frequency of Latin American coffee delivery:
  • When do they roast their beans?
  • Sustainability:

What is the Quality of Latin American Coffee?

Latin America is a region rich in coffee and more producers are creating their own products each day. Some of the key growing regions include Brazil, which turns out coffee that is sweet and nutty. Most of the coffee produced in Latin American countries is very good due to their optimum growing climate.

In addition, many growers feature small indie blends that are grown on a single plot of land, and source coffee beans only from that one plot. According to Perfect Daily Grind, there are many single-origin options from Latin America, all you have to do is look for them. If you haven’t tried Latin American coffee from the different growing regions, you are missing out and should find some Latin-grown coffee as soon as you can.

Subscription Flexibility:

Many coffee producers have become far more flexible when it comes to their coffee subscriptions. The goal, these days, is to cater to the customer by offering a variety of different plans. Many have different levels and frequencies, based on consumption.

Some of the most flexible plans will enable members to increase and decrease the amount of their subscription based on their needs. For example, those with guests may wish to increase their subscription quantity to allow for the projected coffee increase in consumption and reduce it again when the need is reduced.


Roasting can be an interesting part of the production process. Some coffee producers roast all their coffee in-house. Others enjoy outsourcing the roasting process to see what procedures best enhance the coffee beans. One thing that is consistent throughout the roasting process, it is done shortly before shipping to maintain the quality of the beans, and many will alter the traditional roasting process and create a roasting method that best suits the taste of the member.

Shipping Frequency:

Frequency is another one of the important factors to consider when choosing a Latin American coffee club. Some coffee clubs enable members to start and stop their coffee subscriptions without penalty. This is a great option for those who are retired and travel a lot, as well as business people that often find themselves traveling frequently.

Most coffee clubs deliver coffee monthly, but avid coffee drinkers often ask for increased frequency, sometimes as often as one per week. Coffee clubs each have their own rules regarding the frequency of delivery, so it is best to review the nuances of the different clubs before deciding which is best for you and your lifestyle.

Coffee Club Perks and Customization:

According to, there are many positive perks that coffee subscription club members enjoy. These include:

  • Many single-origin coffees are delivered right to your door.
  • Most producers will roast each batch to meet the individual tastes of the members.
  • Members have a choice to purchase whole beans or beans ground to their favorite size.
  • Some producers are adding coffee capsules to their offerings to accommodate those who regularly use pods and capsule-style machines.
  • Some clubs offer decaf subscriptions available for those who want to take out the caffeine and leave all the taste.
  • Some clubs offer a glimpse into the area where the beans were grown or sourced.
  • Some Latin American Coffee clubs send a sample kit, so coffee drinkers can sample and rate a variety of different blends so they can nearly customize their shipments to their tastes.

Best Latin American Coffee Clubs:

Now that we have explored the benefits of coffee clubs and a bit about what members will find in Latin coffee, we are going to look at some of the key Latin American subscription coffee clubs, to help you determine the best option.

Here are some top coffee clubs from

Atlas Coffee:

Atlas Coffee Club offers coffee from around the world including Latin America. They source beans from Costa Rica and Malawi which are delivered to your door. Each item comes with info on the area where the beans are sourced, and the environment, as well as brewing tips and tasting notes.

Subscription options and pricing:

There are several different subscription options available and different price points. According to their Website, they offer some coffee for as low as around $10 per month.

Roasting and shipping frequency:

With Atlas, you can choose how frequently you would like to have your coffee shipped, making it easy on the member. They also roast each batch to your specifications shortly before shipping.

Member benefits and customization:

With Atlas Coffee Club, you can try coffee from over 50 different coffee-producing areas across the world. This would be difficult to do without the benefits of a coffee club.Members have a wide range of customization available. Here are just a few of them:

  • Choice of ground or whole beans.
  • Members can change the frequency and quantity of beans.
  • Beans are roasted to meet member's specifications.


Atlas Coffee Club offers numerous perks:

  • Postcards featuring information on the country featured in that monthly delivery.
  • An opportunity to try different coffees from Latin America and around the world.
  • Instructions and brewing tips are included for each coffee product to ensure you get the best cup of coffee available.
  • All roasting is done according to individual preferences.
  • They offer free shipping.


  • Some members wish they could choose specific beans monthly.
  • The club features single-origin beans and many wish they could try different blends.

Driftaway Coffee:

Driftaway Coffee Club has a good reputation for providing premium coffee and the height of freshness. They source their coffee beans from around the world so each coffee is unique with different tasting profiles.

Subscription options and pricing:

Like most coffee clubs, you have a choice of several different levels. The first shipment will be a tasting kit, which will help you find the coffees you prefer and send this feedback to the company so they know what type of coffee you prefer.Pricing starts at $16.00

Roasting and shipping frequency:

Driftaway roasts each coffee to the choices of the customer. It doesn’t use outside roasters. Most shipments go out monthly, but they can be changed to meet the needs of the members.

Member benefits and customization:

The Website states that members can customize their subscription to meet their needs. Like some other clubs, each month along with the coffee, you will get background on the area from where the beans were sourced and brewing tips to ensure everyone has a great experience.Each Saturday, the company also has virtual tastings that members can join to discuss their favorite coffee beans.


  • Driftaway Coffee Club sources their beans from the highest quality, small-batch coffee growers from around the world.
  • All beans are roasted in their facility in Brooklyn, New York.
  • The first box is a tasting kit to determine your preferences.
  • The company is dedicated to plastic-free, eco-friendly, and features biodegradable packing.
  • Transparent pricing, publicly sharing the price paid for coffee.


  • At the moment, there is no decaf coffee club.
  • All beans are roasted by Driftaway so members cannot sample beans from different roasting companies.


If you are interested in exploring different types of coffee in your own home, then a coffee subscription club may be a great option for you. If you are looking to try coffee from a specific region, like Latin American coffee, this may be a great way to enjoy several varieties from the same geographic area.

About the Author

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.